Finger painting

Sometimes we struggle to return in kind.

Can one gift back what’s immeasurable;

Beyond luminous of mere human words;

Especially if words are all a heart can gift?

Wisdom says no, so speak from the heart

If then- a picture paints a thousand words

You’re God’s colorful painting in progress

And I’ve been blessed to watch come alive

You’ve filled my heart and soul with libraries

Of our smiles, thrills, and unending stories

Made each of my stumbling less humiliating

Watched my full fallibility fall as teardrops

Wiped and wept with my outpouring pain

None of which my soul could ever…forget


Poet of the Light © 2021

a/ka/a Daddy

11 thoughts on “Finger painting

  1. What a truly precious piece of the love of a child. This is a heart-felt piece.

    “If then- a picture paints a thousand words

    You’re God’s colorful painting in progress

    And I’ve been blessed to watch come alive”

    So lovely, you and your family enjoy a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Joni

    Liked by 1 person

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