
 Unexpected whiff of your scent, then  
 Far removed from all my realities  
 Where you don’t pretend with me  
 I sit in wait for the storm of paradise  
 To wash over me like an idyllic town
 Along both the ocean and mountains
 Where summer and winter oft collide  
 At most times of the year, in a nearby
 Where sand castles and air castle live  
 Before water or air currents erase them  
 Where the gentle breezes akin kisses
 On our modest and slow tanning skin   
 Where real and honest hearts thrive  
 And dreams are lived steeped in love  
 Where the fog is pleasantly humble
 Providing the floral terrain with drink
 And late night campfires inspire talks
 Where readers get lost in text passages  
 As echoes get returned in bluff passes  
 Where bright pastoral paintings are born
 And nature hikes become breathtaking
 Where summits are threaded by lovers  
 And hidden rendezvous are plentiful  
 As a cool night joins our spent passion
 Where I open my eyes … to find yours  
 Poet of the Light © 2020   

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